Director, Dr. ThomasDaffern  B.A. (Hons) D.Sc. (Hon)  Treasurer: Jenny Wheatcroft

Dr Thomas C Daffern, Director, IIPSGP, European Peace Mueum / Museum of the Muses, 13 Grande Rue, Betete, 23270, Limousin, La Nouvelle Aquitaine, France
Telephone:+33 05 87565489- Mobile: +44 07500 238523. Email:


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Museum Of The Muses




The European Peace Museum –
La Musee Europeene de la Paix

WHY A MUSEUM OF THE MUSES  ? A unique opportunity has arisen in La Creuse, Central France, to develop a superb Museum location as a centre for education, spirituality, the creative arts and peace work. Based at the Castle of the Muses in Scotland for 6 years, our work has now moved to Limousin to Le Musee des Muses as a permanent base.  

HOME TO THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PEACE STUDIES AND GLOBAL PHILOSOPHY: The Institute is unique among research centres throughout the world in that it combines training and practical work in conflict resolution with studying the entire range of global philosophical and spiritual traditions, together with the proactive search for global responsibility, peace  and justice in our time.

HOME TO THE EUROPEAN PEACE MUSEUM: The Museum is intended as the base for the European Peace Museum, a small private museum dedicated to the quest for peace and understanding in the world. Each of the 9 rooms of the Museum is devoted to a particular Muse, and contains books, artefacts, paintings and sacred objects associated with the traditional archetypal energy of that particular Muse.

EUROPEAN UNION MEDIATION SERVICE: IIPSGP proposed back in 2008 that the EU should set up this new organ of the EU.

HOME TO THE POSEIDON SEMINARS: The Poseidon Seminars will be a regular forum where all those interested in debating and discussing the future of Europe’s nuclear deterrent, and the global prospects for a nuclear weapons-free world, can come together in serious intellectual discussion and debate. The huge costs of refitting nuclear weapons worldwide and the question of who will pay for it all, and whether this money could be more usefully spent, are among the many topics to debate in earnest.

OPEN TO VISITORS BY ARRANGEMENT: Although a private educational centre for ongoing scholarship and studies in peace and interfaith harmony, the Museum is open to visitors by prior arrangement, particularly those wishing to see the Peace Museum, or to spend some time on quiet retreat studying, meditating and researching the complexity of the current global situation and how we got into this predicament. Tours of the museum take approximately one hour and 30 minutes and are conducted in both English and French, and conclude with a coffee / tea in Apollo. We ask for a donation of 10 Euros per person to help towards our running expenses. Tours take place at 12 noon, 2pm and 4pm each day apart from Sundays and Mondays.

HOME TO THE DRUID PEACE ORDER : The Museum is an ideal base to develop the ongoing life and work of the Order of Peace Poets, Bards and Druids, which strives to bring alive again the ancient Druidic teachings on peace and non-violence that were at the heart of their work and witness. Central France is full of ancient Celtic and Druid remains and sacred sites. Druids, like Jains and Buddhists, were sworn to personal non-violence and counselled tribal leaders on mediation and peacemaking.  We do the same.

HOME TO EDUCATION AID: The Museum is the base for this international fundraising charity. EA. is designed to help all of us generate both practical funding resources and new inspiration  for educational work nationally, and globally.


THE TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION FOR IRELAND AND BRITAIN: The purpose of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Ireland and Britain is to create a forum for the reconciliation through examination of historic wrongs that different communities within Britain and Ireland feel were committed during the period of history in Ireland known as the time of troubles.

HOME TO THE COMMONWEALTH INTERFAITH NETWORK: The purpose of which is to provide an international network for persons and organisations active in any of the 53 Commonwealth Countries, in the United Kingdom, or in any of the UK Overseas Dependent territories, concerned with advancing better interfaith understanding. The European Peace Museum has a concern for good relations between the Commonwealth and Europe.

HOME TO THE COUNCIL OF MONARCHS: IIPSGP is developing  a visionary yet realistic new international forum: the Council of Monarchs. The purpose of the Council is to convene a biannual global gathering of actually reigning monarchs, who evidently have considerable influence, power and prestige internationally. Many European states still have a reigning monarch, and our prayer is that if they initiate this global Council of Monarchs worldwide it would create a new forum for intelligent policy debate on peace.

SPIRITUALITY, MEDITATION AND PRAYERS AT THE MUSEUM:  A core part of what the Museum is about is our regular ecumenical Peace meditations, which take place each day; the Museum is blessed with a superb  meditation space which will be used for regular prayers and worship sessions. Normally morning meditations take place at 11am each day and friends are welcome to come along

HEALING AT THE MUSEUM – The Museum has a wonderful healing energy and is available for this purpose, as well as for massage therapy, and counselling and psychotherapy sessions.

STUDY AND RESEARCH AT THE MUSEUM: this is a major feature of our work, and students and scholars are invited to visit the Museum to undertake research programmes and private study.

THE MUSEUM LIBRARY: the library is a truly unique feature of the Museum. Numbering some 12,000 volumes, it is divided into 9 sections, each named after a different Muse. The library can be consulted for reference by Friends of the Museum, or guests staying on study retreat, but books cannot be taken away. The library also houses  a large number of archives including SAND – Sussex Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament; Philosophers and Historians for Peace; International Philosophers for Peace and the Prevention of Nuclear Omnicide; the World Conference on Religion and Peace (1991-1997); The Initiative for Peace Studies in the University of London (IPSUL 1988-1991); the School of Nonviolence; the Multifaith and Multicultural Mediation Service; the Commonwealth Interfaith Network; the International Peace Research Association; the Conflict Research Society; the Order of Peace Poets, Bards and Druids; the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Stonehenge; the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Britain and Ireland; and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for the Middle East; The Centre For The Study Of Divine Intelligence, and the papers of the Daffern Family Archive etc

POETRY AT THE MUSEUM: The Museum is home to the International Order of Peace Poets and hence occasional poetry evenings will be taking place here. An annual conference on poetics and peace is also scheduled.

MEDIATION SERVICES: the Museum is home to the work of the Multifaith and Multicultural Mediation Service and the Mediation Service for Higher Education available for consultation throughout Europe.

CENTRE FOR THE PERIODIC TABLE OF THE WORLD’S RELIGIONS AND PHILOSOPHIES – among the many projects based at the Museum is  the work of developing the Periodic Table of the World’s Religions and Philosophies, a new scientific classification, research and analysis tool for categorising and harmonising our understanding of religious and philosophical traditions alike.

CENTRE FOR THE LOVE JOURNAL: IIPSGP publishes THE LOVE JOURNAL: LOVE AND CREATIVE JOYISM FOR PEACE and its editorial office is based at the Museum. The Love Journal is divided into 9 sections covering all aspects of knowledge and the creative arts and sciences for peace. 

CENTRE FOR THE GLOBAL GREEN UNIVERSITY: The GGU is a small, informal private higher education academy for those who love learning for its own sake, and who wish to be involved in the advancement of knowledge as a valuable enterprise in and of itself.

CENTRE FOR THE ARTS – the Museum also functions as a centre for exploration into the philosophy and practice of art and for workshops on spirituality and the arts. In Euterpe the Museum has collections of art works and space for artists to come and paint and work in various media and it is hoped the surrounding beauty of La Creuse will inspire artists to continue the Creusois tradition of outdoor painting and allow their own creativity to shine forth.

TEACHING, TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH: The Museum will function as a meeting place for everyone involved in education to think through difficulties and solutions to the global learning deficit.

MEDIA OFFICE AND MUSEUM SHOP – Talks and lectures going on at the Institute can be shared more or less instantaneously around the world, via the Institute’s YouTube channel on IIPSGP1. Books and DVD’s and CD’s for sale are available in the museum shop.

SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES: the Museum is open for teachers and pupils from across Europe and France to come and share ideas and discussions and teachings about different cultures, philosophies and religions and how all Europeans can learn to live in peace together.

PHILOSOPHICAL AND INTERFAITH PILGRIMAGES: Specific pilgrimages honour the life and work of thinkers and include visits to sites associated with their lives and works as well as lectures and talks about their significance, including: Leonardo Da Vinci, Descartes, Pascal, Teilhard de Chardin, Montesquieu, Montaigne, Pierre Lerroux, George Sand, Sartre, Camus, Jean Bodin, Bargoin, Dupleix,  Guillaume Bude, Jean Beaufret (who introduced Heidegger to French intellectual life), Hadot, Berdyaev etc.
PEACE  RETREATS: Serious students of peace, literature, comparative philosophy, spirituality, ecology, education and the arts are invited to apply for a study retreat at the Museum. Members of all churches, denominations and religions are welcome to apply to come on a peace retreat.

CENTRE FOR PEACE POLICY RESEARCH – CEPPR will attempt to tackle the enormous vacuum created by the lack of serious debate in Europe and among its allies in thinking through the long term prospects of a peaceful international order. Military and security policy is an advanced business; peace policy is only just at the beginning.
CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF DIVINE INTELLIGENCE: This new initiative aims to bridge the gap between science and religion and has held three meetings to date. One of our first projects is the Interfaith Peace Treaty:

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: The Institute and the Peace Museum are engaged in long term scientific research aimed at solving the endless wars and conflicts affecting humanity, especially those of an ideological or religious nature; our scientific publications are a matter of public record and we collaborate now as in the past with a wide number of scientific peace research bodies worldwide including the European Peace Research Association and the Conflict Research Society. But our remit extends to the humanities and arts also as we draw on the creative cultural energies of European civilisation for peacebuilding so we also collaborate with the full range of intellectual projects aimed at the creation of a peaceful continent in a peaceful world, including historians, political scientists, artists, poets, musicians, philosophers, social scientists, psychologists etc. We are part of the International Network of Peace Museums. The Scientific Director of the Museum is Dr. Thomas Clough Daffern, whose personal blog is:   

PUBLICATIONS: IIPSGP has published over 35 books and 30 talking books which are available for purchase on line here:   or at the Museum shop, or via

To get involved with the work of the Museum of the Muses  or to come on a tour please contact:
Dr Thomas C. Daffern, Director, IIPSGP, Museum of the Muses, 13 Grande Rue, Betete, La Creuse, Limousin, Aquitaine, France 23270
Tel. +33 05 8756 5489 Mob: 07500 238523 -
Also find us on Facebook and Youtube