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Periodic Table of The Worlds Religious and Philosophical TraditionsThe Periodic Table of the World Religious and Philosophical Traditions (PTWRPT) is a new attempt, based on integrative, comprehensive and transpersonal historical methodologies, to codify, categorise and present the entire range of human spiritual, intellectual and scientific discoveries and approaches over the history of our species.Taking the ideas of Mendeleyev, (to group all the atomic elements in systematic order), the PTWRPT does the same with the entirety of religious and philosophical teachings.
It lists all known spiritual and scientific systems of thought, knowledge and belief according to one of 168 separate entries.These in turn are grouped into 15 overall categories, which on the actual Table are grouped as: Green – Primal religions, Red – Buddhism, Light Blue – Christianity, Yellow – Hinduism, Mid green – Islam, Brown – Humanism, Light yellow – Philosophy, Grey – New religious movements, Pink – Chinese faiths, Yellow brown – Sikhism, Peach – Hebrew faiths, Dark green – Shintoism, White – Jainism, Light purple – Persian faiths, Cream – Esoteric traditions. The Table is intended for use in homes, schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, academies, scientific institutions, libraries, research centres, mosques, synagogues, gurdwaras, temples, libraries and wherever people are interested in comparing and analysing the different belief systems of the planet.
By gaining access to the online version of the table you are able to use the data which has been some 35 years in compilation. The Table’s layout and contents are the unique creation of Dr Thomas Clough Daffern B.A. (Hons), D.Sc. (Hon) PGCE PhD, an academic expert in comparative global philosophy and religion, who has taught in various universities and schools worldwide, based on over 35 years close research into the world’s intellectual and spiritual history. Readers using this website, which details the core data and information concerning each different lineage, will also find it useful to obtain the actual printed Periodic Table of the World’s Religious and Philosophical Traditions per se, which can be displayed on a wall for easy reference for example in religious studies or philosophy department classrooms.
There is also a book accompanying this on-line version of the table which also explains the motivations, history and reasons for its creation, as well as giving scientific explanations for the protocols and procedures that were adopted in devising the Table. In addition, students and scholars may purchase the 20 hour audio course outlining the main sections of the Period Table given as a series of lectures in Wiltshire in 2009, and a 150 hour audio course detailing the nature of Transpersonal History, which is the methodological framework underlining the Periodic Table of the World’s Religious and Philosophical Traditions. The Periodic Table of the World’s Religious and Philosophical Traditions live on-line version is only available here on the world wide web at this new specially designed website, which can be used as a teaching aid.
Teachers may use their log-in password for the benefit of an entire class in live lessons. For home use however, we ask that pupils and students register individually in their own names. On our main website are also to be found details of the many other projects which the International Institute of Peace Studies and Global Philosophy is engaged in and we welcome feedback, discussion and creative exchanges in all those other related areas also. Essentially, IIPSGP is itself a forum for people representing all the different faith and scientific and academic traditions of the planet to engage in serious and constructive dialogue with one another about their differences and similarities.
The purpose of developing the Periodic Table of the World’s Religious and Philosophical Traditions is to promote a joyist world in which intellectual differences can be resolved through rational discourse, spiritual investigation and academic and scientific rigour, rather than leading to endless and needless wars of terrorism and counter terrorism. The author of this unique Periodic Table also serves as Director of The International Institute of Peace Studies and Global Philosophy (www.educationaid.net) which has worked since 1991 for a more peaceful and enlightened world achieved through education, learning and spiritual enlightenment.
For the first time in the history of mankind an easy reference tool has been developed which gives the scholar and student access to the entire range of human intellectual strivings over the millennia. Enter and wonder !