THe list below shows some of our available publications. For the complete list click here:
order publications
Code |
Title and date of Ist publication |
Brief Description |
Price |
001 |
Ladnun Declaration, India - December 1995 |
A proposal on linking global ecology, peace and spirituality
by 500 educators assembled in India |
£3.00 |
002 |
40 Questions Instead Of A Paper, 3rd International Conference
on Peace and Nonviolence, Ladnun, 17-21 December 1995 |
40 key questions to a global educators in India |
£3.00 |
003 |
Preface To Robert Hart's "Beyond the Forest Garden"
Autumn 1995 |
Preface to "Beyond the Forest Garden" |
£1.00 |
004 |
Playing And Loving Peacefully: Towards A
Holistic Philosophy Of Play |
Academic study of play as pedagogy |
£3.00 |
005 |
On Paradigms, Global Philosophy And Peace - St Petersburg
Conference - August 1995 |
Philosophical paper presented in Russia |
£3.00 |
006 |
Towards And History Of The Interrelations Of Marxism
And Esotericism |
Unique study of 18th and 19th century radical freemasonry
and its influence |
£6.00 |
007 |
Feasibility Study On Peace Studies In The University
Of London |
2 Volume study produced at Institute of Education |
£6.00 |
008 |
Critique Of Gorbachev's Speech To The United Nations
General Assembly, 1989 |
Response to Gorbachev's vision of peace at key time
in history |
£1.00 |
009 |
Towards A Critique Of Marx - From The Economic And Philosophic
Manuscripts |
Critical review of shortcomings in Marx's work from
a philosophical perspective |
£3.00 |
010 |
"Towards The Semantic History Of The Federal Idea"
1989 |
Study of federalism in its historical context |
£3.00 |
011 |
"The Historical & Philosophical Connections
Between The Modern Evolution Of Peace & World Order Studies And
The Idea Of Federalism" 1990 |
Study first given at the Lothian Foundation Conference,
Pembroke College, Oxford |
£3.00 |
012 |
The Role Of Universities In Peace And World Order Studies
1991 |
Paper presented to the United Nations Commission on
Disarmament Education, New York, UN HQ |
£3.00 |
013 |
Holistic Images Of Peace In Andalusian Spirituality |
A study of the Zohar, Ibn Arabi and Ramon Lull |
£3.00 |
014 |
"Towards The Prevention Of Nuclear Omnicide: Philosophy
As A Way Of Healing" |
Paper given to Conference In St Louis, USA on historical
links between philosophy, peacemaking and healing |
£3.00 |
015 |
Theosophical History In An East European Context, 1987 |
Paper presented at Theosophical History Centre, London |
£3.00 |
016 |
Alice Bailey Corpus In the Context Of Modern World History,
1988 |
Paper given at Theosophical History Centre, London |
£3.00 |
017 |
"Towards A Community Of Communities: Inter-Racial
Harmony And The European Integration Process", 1989 |
Report prepared for International Alert, London |
£3.00 |
018 |
"On The Potential Of Psycho-History & Intellectual
History To Peace & Conflict Studies", 1989 |
Paper to British International Studies Association |
£3.00 |
019 |
"On The Potential Contributions Of Philosophy And
Peace And World Order Studies To The Prevention Of Omnicide"
1990 |
Paper to Philosophers For Peace Conference, Institute
of Philosophy, Moscow |
£3.00 |
020 |
Eastern Europe In Transition: A Chance Or Threat To
Peace, 1990 |
Paper for conference in Warsaw at Polish Institute of
International Affairs |
£3.00 |
021 |
"Education For Peace & International Understanding
In The Interwar Period 1918-1939: Towards A Prehistory Of Contemporary
Peace and World Order Studies", 1991 |
Paper presented to International Historians for Peace
Conference on "The Role Of Peace Movement During The Inter-War
Period, 1991-1939" Burg Schlaining, Austria |
£3.00 |
022 |
"Some Preconditions For Reaching Sustainable International
Agreements On Environmental Goals: A Study Of The Contribution Of
Intellectuals |
Paper To University Of Strathclyde International Conference
on "International Arrangement For Reaching Environmental Goals",
Glasgow, Scotland |
£3.00 |
023 |
Peace & Justice In Primal Spiritual Traditions,
1991 |
Paper to lecture series at University of London |
£3.00 |
024 |
"A Global Survey Of Trend In Universities In Peace
& World Order Studies", 1992 |
Paper to Research Seminar organised By International
Association Of University Presidents & United Nations Disarmament
Commission, UN HQ, New York |
£3.00 |
025 |
"Inner Peace & Outer Peace", 1992 |
Part of "The Seekers Guide" |
£1.00 |
026 |
"The Heart Of Mind & The Quest For Peace &
World Order: A Psycho-Etymological & Historical Approach"
1992 |
Paper to Symposium In Memoriam for the Late Dom Sylvester
Houedard (1925-1992) Chisolme House, Scotland |
£3.00 |
027 |
Interfaith Calendar of Saints and Sages, 2004 |
Comprehensive Calendar of Saints and Sages from all
faiths, religions, and philosophical traditions |
£9.00 |
028 |
Australian National Education Plan: a Critique, 1995 |
Review of education system of Australia from The New
Era: Journal Of The World Education Fellowship |
£1.00 |
029 |
Gandhi and Religious Peacemakers in the 20th century:
a Historical survey 1995 |
Published On 125th Anniversary Of Mahatma Gandhi's Birth,
In India |
£3.00 |
030 |
Poetry For The Muses: Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe,
Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, Urania |
9 Volumes each named after a different Muse from Classical
antiquity, written variously from 1976-2003. [£3 per volume] |
£3.00 each |
031 |
Dictionary of Global Philosophical Terminology |
A contribution to philological understanding |
£18.00 |
032 |
Towards The Intellectual, Educational And Cultural History
Of The Search For Peace During The Post World War Two Era 1945-2001:
The potential contribution of transpersonal theory to peace historiography
and multifaith and multicultural conflict resolution and education |
A contribution to both historical scholarship, philosophy
of history and the specifics of conflict resolution dynamics - this
is a summary of the complete work, which is awaiting complete publication |
£18.00 |
033 |
Cultural Encyclopaedia of the Welsh Marches |
A unique reference work detailing the cultural history
of the Welsh Marches including the counties of Cheshire, Worcestershire,
Herefordshire, Shropshire, Powys, Glamorgan, Flintshire, Denbighshire,
covering poetry, painting, music, history, education, antiquarians,
sculpture, literature, theatre etc. |
£18.00 |
034 |
The Book of Thomases |
A survey of 650 former intellectuals, Saints, and philosophers
with the Christian name "Thomas", presented as evidence
for a living Catholic gnostic tradition based on holistic doubt and
loving epoche |
£18.00 |
035 |
Peacebuilding: a survey of approaches |
First published in the World Encyclopaedia of Violence,
and Peace, San Diego, 2000 |
£6.00 |
036 |
American Indian Ethical Teachings: a survey |
First published in the World Encyclopaedia of Ethics,
San Diego, USA, 1999 |
£6.00 |
037 |
Musings: Autobiosophical Studies Volume 1 1956-1981;
Volume 2 1982-1992; Volume 3 1993-2003 |
Comprehensive autobiographical studies covering the
adventures of a philosopher in the contemporary world [£9.00
per volume] |
£9.00 |
038 |
What is Sufism ? |
Written for a Sufi Journal in Iran; published in Macedonia |
£3.00 |
039 |
The Knowledge Grid |
A radical proposal to harness new information and communication
technology (ICT) for a global project of intellectual diplomacy and
collective enlightenment |
£6.00 |
040 |
Towards a Philosophy of Joyism: a critique of terrorism |
A historical study of the intellectual roots of terrorism
and the proposal of an equally radical alternative: joyism |
£6.00 |
041 |
Towards a History of the Gandhi Foundation and the School
of Nonviolence |
A survey of the work of this educational body set in
historical context: what does Gandhi have to say today? |
£6.00 |
042 |
Wisdom Affairs: Towards a Cartography of Enlightenment
for Wisdom Lovers |
A philosophical proposal on re-configuring intimate
and personal relationships for a new millennium |
£18.00 |
043 |
The Last Judgement: a play for the end of Time |
A theatrical piece starring the Gods and their interactions
with humanity (includes performance licence) |
£18.00 |
044 |
The Dance of the Muses: Knowledge in Action |
A survey of ongoing work by the IIPSGP and friends |
£9.00 |
045 |
Educational Encyclopedia of Peace and Wisdom |
A proposal for a survey of worldwide wisdom-schools |
£3.00 |
046 |
The Dictionary of New Words for a New Civilisation |
A collaborative project on new coinages for a new age |
£3.00 |
047 |
The Genius Research Network |
A report on a project of IIPSGP on giftedness and learning |
£3.00 |
048 |
Towards a Green University: a report on progress |
A report on the IIPSGP project to establish a Global
Green University |
£6.00 |
049 |
Symbolism in Education: The meaning of the 9 Muses |
A piece produced for the Triangles in Education Newsletter |
£3.00 |
050 |
The Goddess of Peace and Healing |
A report on a Malvern conference in 1998 and a proposal
for a follow up meeting in Galilee (postponed) |
£6.00 |
051 |
Education Aid: a global fundraising initiative |
A report on this key proposal for the education sector |
£6.00 |
052 |
Handbook on Peace, Justice and Mediation in World Religions |
Initially produced as the training handbook for the
£9.00 |
053 |
The UK Parliament's role in the search for peace: a
report on a 10 year project |
This study details the work behind the scenes in Parliament
by IIPSGP from 1993-2003 and current developments to establish a Ministry
of Peace in the UK |
£9.00 |
054 |
Druids as Peacemakers: Towards an Order of Druid Peacelovers |
A historical survey of the peace role of Druids |
£3.00 |
055 |
Towards a Water Academy: prospectus and curriculum outline |
Initially produced for an educational project in Bath;
could be adapted and applied anywhere that water is appreciated and
honoured and studied |
£3.00 |
056 |
The Commonwealth Common Values Council: a report on
a work in progress, 2003 |
Surveys the developments and continuing need for a Commonwealth
Interfaith Network, and current ethical challenges facing the Commonwealth |
£6.00 |
057 |
Preface for To Create a Peaceful Media Environment,
2000 |
Produced for the United Nations Society of Writers publication
of "Peace Times" editorials, from the offices of Lama Gangchen,
Italy |
£1.00 |
058 |
Introduction to "A Solution for the Third Millennium"
- proposal for a UN Spiritual Forum for World Peace, 2000 |
Written for a special commemorative volume presented
to the Secretary General of the United Nations in New York on the
proposal of Lama Gangchen to establish a spiritual forum at the UN |
£1.00 |
059 |
Paper for the Convocation of Wisdom Schools, London,
May 23-25, 1999 |
A set of probing questions given to this conference
establishing a network of world-wide wisdom schools and esoteric academies |
£3.00 |
060 |
Questions instead of a paper for the 5th International
Conference on Peace and Nonviolence, Rajasthan, 2003 |
A further set of philosophical questions presented to
a conference in Rajasthan at the Jain University, Ladnun |
£3.00 |
061 |
Education for Global Citizenship |
Article first published in World Encyclopedia of Peace,
Korea |
£6.00 |
062 |
The Order of Wandering Peace Poets: Founding Proposal
and Report on the Struga Poetry Evenings |
A survey of the growth of this international project
of bringing together poets for peace |
£9.00 |
063 |
Beyond the Apocalypse |
A futuristic novel creating a new genre similar to different
from, science fiction: philosophical fiction |
£18.00 |
064 |
On the Funding of Political Parties: a proposal |
A suggestion to transform political sleaze and corruption
and replace it with a citizens voluntary levy |
£6.00 |
065 |
Declaration Towards a Peaceful World Through Philosophical
Dialogue and Understanding, 1998 |
A Declaration presented to the World Congress of Philosophy,
Boston, USA |
£3.00 |
066 |
The Greening of Energy and the Labour Government |
A critical welcome to Prime Minister Blair's announcement
of an investment in alternative energy research and development |
£3.00 |
067 |
Foot and Mouth: Report on a catastrophe from the front
line |
A critical account of the devastating effect that foot
and mouth disease had on the rural economy and proposals to prevent
such a tragedy recurring |
£3.00 |
068 |
Religion and Literature, 2000 |
A survey of the complex and deep relationship between
religion and literature, produced for the Ochrid Writers Symposium,
Ochrid, Macedonia |
£6.00 |
069 |
The Global Architectonics of Wisdom: Re-Configuring
Solutions to the Dilemmas of Globalisation |
A critical survey of the problems and challenges of
globalisation, arguing for the need to develop a global philosophical
and spiritual wisdom-force as a counter to unethical and rampant commercial
and militaristic globalisation |
£9.00 |
070 |
Good Ideas |
A proposal to harness the creative genius of inventors
for the common good via the power of the media |
£9.00 |
071 |
Pagan Academic Network: report on a project and process
underway |
A survey of moves to establish a network dealing with
all aspects of pagan studies |
£9.00 |
072 |
Towards an understanding of the Europeanisation of the
Balkans: reflections on the catastrophes of Balkan History |
A philosophical study of Balkan history |
£3.00 |
073 |
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Stonehenge:
a report on work in progress |
A study of the work of the MMMS in helping to clear
up the aftermath of the conflicts ranging around access to Stonehenge
by the alternative community |
£9.00 |
074 |
Report on a Peace Study tour of the USA, 1992 |
A report on a trip which included New York, Boston,
Harvard, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans, and which
involved interviewing many educators |
£3.00 |
075 |
Philosophical Counselling: what is it for ? |
A survey of moves in establishing philosophical counselling
as a complementary therapy practice |
£6.00 |
076 |
A checklist of early Christian writings: canonical,
apocryphal and gnostic to 632 AD: a contribution to Judaeo-Christian-Islamic
Dialogue |
A comprehensive survey of writings detailing the similarities
between Jewish, Christian and Islamic esoteric and philosophical thought |
£6.00 |
077 |
Religious Diversity And Human Rights, a review, 1997 |
A review first published in Contemporary Religions |
£1.00 |
078 |
Philosophical reflections on a game of football, 1998 |
A proposal to change the rules of football to make it
a less violent and more peaceful game |
£3.00 |
079 |
Gender Rituals and Female Initiation in Melanesia |
A Review first published in Contemporary Religions |
£1.00 |
080 |
The Global Peace Ship |
A project proposal and a report on work in hand |
£3.00 |
081 |
Essays on the global philosophy of healing and medicine |
A study of the philosophical background between different
healing systems worldwide, their similarities and differences, and
a proposal for Western healthcare systems to embrace aspects of global
medical diversity |
£9.00 |
082 |
The Solar Society |
A proposal to establish a follow up to the 18th century
Lunar Society, famous in the West Midlands, as a think tank devoted
to the greening of the global economy |
£6.00 |
083 |
The educational implications of September 11, 2001 |
A report on an educational conference at St Deiniols
Library, Wales |
£6.00 |
084 |
The Goddess Hypothesis |
A study of the potential contribution of Goddess perspectives
in all sectors and areas of contemporary global problem solving; an
extension of the Gaia Hypothesis |
£12.00 |
085 |
Peace and the Future: Contested Eschatologies and Global
Enlightenment |
Poses the difficult problem of contested futures as
a new field for peace and future research and asks what can be done
in terms of scientific methodology to address this problem |
£9.00 |
086 |
Philosophical Studies in Psychological Numeracy |
An update on Pythagorean methodology |
£9.00 |
087 |
Global Poetics and the search for Peace: 1945-2003 |
Based on a talk given to the Wilfred Owen Society, Shrewsbury,
2003 |
£9.00 |
088 |
World Philosophy and Peacemaking: a survey, 2003 |
Published in the Encyclopaedia of Global Problems, by
the Russian Philosophical Association, for the World Congress of Philosophy,
Istanbul, 2003 |
£6.00 |
089 |
Pagan Enlightenments |
An original philosophical contribution to the discussion |
£9.00 |
090 |
Love, Justice and Wisdom: A, Journal for Peace and Global
Responsibility Number 1 (1993) |
The Institute's Journal, divided into 9 sections, one
for each Muse, covering reports on all kinds of creative educational
work aimed at peace and enlightenment |
£6.00 |
Love, Justice and Wisdom: A, Journal for Peace and Global
Responsibility Number 2 (1994) |
The Institute's Journal, divided into 9 sections, includes
an article by Chris Hogan on Charisma and Ki |
£6.00 |
092 |
Love, Justice and Wisdom: A, Journal for Peace and Global
Responsibility Number 3 (1996) |
The Institute's Journal, divided into 9 sections, includes
an article by Chris Gilmore on Love and Learning |
£6.00 |
093 |
Love, Justice and Wisdom: A, Journal for Peace and Global
Responsibility Number 4 (1997) |
The Institute's Journal, divided into 9 sections, one
for each Muse, with various contributions |
£6.00 |
094 |
Love, Justice and Wisdom: A, Journal for Peace and Global
Responsibility Number 5 (1998) |
The Institute's Journal, divided into 9 sections, includes
an article by Diana Whitney on Spirituality as an Organising Principle |
£6.00 |
095 |
Love, Justice and Wisdom: A, Journal for Peace and Global
Responsibility Number 6 (1999) |
The Institute's Journal, divided into 9 sections, includes
the first version of the Dictionary of Global Philosophy |
£6.00 |
096 |
The architectonic of wisdom, education and peace in
selected religious, philosophical and intellectual traditions |
A study of the respective understanding of the complex
interconnections between enlightenment and the achievement of peace
in various intellectual and spiritual lineages including: Bahai, Buddhist,
Christian, Hindu, Islamic, Jain, Jewish, classical Greek, Ancient
Egyptian, Zoroastrian, Sikh, Druid, Freemasonic, classical Roman,
Renaissance European philosophical, Taoist, Confucian, Shinto, Shamanic,
Amerindian, Australian Aboriginal, Polynesian, traditional African,
Theosophical, Marxist, New Age, Modern European philosophical and
modern global philosophical (a separate list is available). |
£9.00 each |
097 |
Notes towards an Astrology of War and Peace |
An overview of aspects of astrological thought which
might be of help in solving the problems of war and furthering the
goals of peace - useful for booth the believer in astrology and the
sceptic |
£9.00 |
098 |
Studying A level philosophy: some guidelines |
A useful guide for 6th form students in the UK wishing
to study A level philosophy (AQA syllabus) |
£9.00 |
099 |
Lord Herbert of Chirbury: his life and work and significance
for our times |
A study of Lord Herbert's ideas on the search for common
truths behind all religions and their relevance today |
£6.00 |
100 |
Knowledge, inspiration and intelligence: a proposal
for educational reform |
A proposal for creating a more visionary, comprehensive.
flexible and ethical educational system |
£9.00 |
101 |
On learning: a report on the situation in schools |
How schools can become more effective learning facilitators |
£9.00 |
102 |
On the future of religious education in the global curriculum |
How RE can play a part in building a peaceful world |
£9.00 |
103 |
On the history of the philosophy of healing in different
cultural and spiritual traditions (each paper covers the history of
healing theory and practice in one of various lineages and traditions,
and details healing deities, famous doctors, medical schools, medical
discoveries and medical theories etc.) |
Separate papers available on healing in the following
traditions: Ancient Greek, Roman, Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Persian and
Zoroastrian, Hebrew, Jewish and Kabbalistic, Ancient Egyptian, Sumerian,
Babylonian and Mesopotamian, Islamic and Sufi, Eastern Christian,
Roman Catholic, Protestant Christian, Celtic Pre-Christian, Germanic
and Scandinavian, Esoteric Christian, traditional African, Australian
Aboriginal, Celtic Christian, Sikh, Freemasonry, Druidry, Wicca, Renaissance
Europe, Taoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Rosicrucianism, modern scientific
medicine. |
£6.00 each |
104 |
On the history of the philosophy of healing in the world
of modern psychology, psychotherapy and counselling |
A study of the history of psychological ideas and their
impact on ideas of healing |
£6.00 |
105 |
Towards a transpersonal historiography |
A proposal for marrying transpersonal psychology with
historical research methodolgies |
£9.00 |
106 |
Imperialism, neoimperialism and their critics: a philosohistorical
analysis |
An analysis of the history of imperalism from ancient
history to the present day |
£9.00 |
107 |
Right, left and centre in political discourse: towards
a history of political spatialisation |
A study in the ideas of "right, left and centre"
and their meaning in political discourse |
£9.00 |
108 |
Towards a history of the social sciences, sociology
and the search for peace 1945-2001 |
A study of work in the social sciences, especially sociology,
in relation to peace and conflict resolution |
£9.00 |
109 |
Towards a history of anthropology and the search for
peace 1945-2001 |
A study of work in anthropology in relation to peace
and conflict resolution |
£9.00 |
110 |
Towards a history of economics and the search for peace
1945-2001 |
A study of work in economics in relation to peace and
conflict resolution |
£9.00 |
111 |
Towards a history of the political sciences and the
search for peace 1945-2001 |
A study of work in the political sciences in relation
to peace and conflict resolution |
£9.00 |
112 |
Towards a history of international relations and the
search for peace 1945-2001 |
A study of work in international relations in relation
to peace and conflict resolution |
£9.00 |
113 |
A peace proposal for the Irish Conflict |
A specific set of proposals for a solution to the Irish-British
conflict and a history of attempts to solve it so far |
£9.00 |
114 |
A peace proposal for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict |
A specific set of proposals for a solution to this ongoing
conflict and a history of attempts to solve it so far |
£9.00 |
115 |
A peace proposal for Kashmir |
A specific set of proposals for a solution to the Kashmir
conflict and a history of attempts to solve it so far |
£9.00 |
116 |
A peace proposal for Sri Lanka |
A specific set of proposals for a solution to the Sri
Lankan conflict and a history of attempts to solve it so far |
£9.00 |
117 |
A peace proposal for the Tibetan situation |
A specific set of proposals for a solution to the Tibetan
conflict and a history of attempts to solve it so far |
£9.00 |
118 |
The World Congress of Philosophy 1900-2003: a history |
A survey of the World Congress of Philosophy and its
work |
£6.00 |
119 |
From intelligence to wisdom: On the history of the intelligence
services and the search for peace worldwide |
An historical review of the work of intelligence services
and a proposal for their more effective working as genuine agents
of peace and justice worldwide, plus an account of the intelligence
predicament of the United Nations |
£9.00 |
120 |
Towards a history of the World Congress of Historical
Sciences 1900-2003 |
A survey of the history of this international body of
historians worldwide |
£9.00 |
121 |
Towards a history of law and the search for peace 1945-2001 |
A study of work in the legal thought and jurisprudence
and international law in relation to peace and conflict resolution |
£9.00 |
122 |
Towards a history of diplomacy and the search for peace
1945-2001 |
A study of work in diplomacy in relation to peace and
conflict resolution |
£9.00 |
123 |
Towards a history of the military and the conduct of
war and the search for peace 1945-2001 |
A study of work in the history of military thought in
relation to peace and conflict resolution |
£9.00 |
124 |
Towards a history of war studies and strategic studies
and the search for peace 1945-2001 |
A study of work in the field of war studies and strategic
studies in relation to peace and conflict resolution |
£9.00 |
125 |
Towards a history of peace studies, peace research and
peace education 1945-2001 |
A study of work in peace studies, and sister disciplines,
in relation to peace and conflict resolution |
£9.00 |
126 |
Political and religious assassinations: a history and
a problematique |
Some important questions about this problem |
£6.00 |
127 |
The Iraq Wars in the context of Middle Eastern History
1900-2003: an in depth peace proposal |
A study of Iraq's modern history in relation to ongoing
conflict and the search for a viable peace settlement |
£6.00 |
128 |
A Global Peace Plan: a proposal and a vision |
An overall peace proposal for planet earth: practical
yet visionary, ambitious yet feasible; inexpensive, yet leading to
greater global prosperity |
£9.00 |
129 |
Peace information, communication and wisdom:
transparency, truth and the philosophy of peace |
A theoretic basis for effective peace work |
£6.00 |
130 |
A study of peace thinking in the lives and works of
selected intellectuals, philosophers and thinkers, and their circles,
including: Dr. John Dee, Lord Acton, Raymond Williams, Owen Glyndower,
Robert Owen, Sir Francis Bacon, Rousseau, Peter Abelard, Hegel, Kant,
Duns Scotus, Thomas Aquinas, Plato, St Francis, Cicero, Spinoza, Aristotle,
Zeno of Citium, Thomas Hobbes, Machiavelli, Orderic Vitalis, Sir Philip
Sidney and his circle, Sir George Trevelyan, the Elizabethan Renaissance,
Irish Intellectual history, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Leibniz,
Hume, Pythagoras and the Pythagorean tradition, Pyrrho of Ellis and
the sceptical tradition, the humanist traditions, Giambatista Vico,
Confucius, Buddha, Shankara, Patanjali, Montesquieu, Thomas Jefferson,
Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Arabi, Arnold Toynbee (separate list available -
click HERE to download) |
In depth studies on the history of specific intellectuals
and thinkers, -placing their specific thinking about peace in relation
to other aspects of their overall history - including both figures
from the region of the Welsh Marches, plus wider geographical spheres
of intellectual activity |
£6.00 each |
131 |
A study of peace and theology in the Roman Catholic
Christian tradition |
Theological aspects of peace thinking in the Catholic
tradition: some questions and issues |
£9.00 |
132 |
A study of peace and theology in the Protestant Christian
tradition |
Theological aspects of peace thinking in the Protestant
tradition: can Protestantism also protest against itself ? |
£9.00 |
133 |
A study of Peace and Theology in the Orthodox Christian
Tradition |
Theological aspects of peace thinking in the Orthodox
tradition: inspiration and vision |
£9.00 |
134 |
A Report on ethics, politics and the search for peace
in the history of individual countries (A-Z covering all independent
states worldwide) |
Each report concentrates on 20th century history, especially
post world war two, and details in brief the history of political
movements, intellectuals, educators, philosophers and religious trends,
noting especially the history of conflicts and attempts to resolve
matters through non-violent peace diplomacy. Also details any wars,
violent conflicts or other armed struggles and the history of attempts
to mediate and resolve these conflicts peacefully. Includes aspects
of the history of Britain's diplomatic relations with the country
concerned. Separate list available. |
£9.00 per report |
135 |
A Report on ethics, politics and the search for peace
in the history of international organisations |
Covers major international organisations in the history
of the 20th century, including the European Union, United Nations,
Commonwealth, League of Nations, Organisations of American States,
Organisation of African Unity, NATO, Warsaw Pact, Commonwealth of
Independent States, League of Arab States, Association of Islamic
States. |
£9.00 |
136 |
A critical history of the philosophy of peace embedded
in liberal political philosophies |
A look at the contribution of liberal thinkers to peace
thought. |
£9.00 |
137 |
A critical history of the philosophy of peace embedded
in socialist political philosophies |
A look at the contribution of socialist and social democratic
thinkers to peace thought |
£9.00 |
138 |
A critical history of the philosophy of peace embedded
in conservative, right wing and fascist political philosophies |
A look at the contribution of conservative thinkers
to peace thought |
£12.00 |
139 |
A critical history of the philosophy of peace embedded
in communist political philosophies |
A look at the contribution of communist and Marxist
thinkers to peace thought |
£9.00 |
140 |
A critical history of the philosophy of peace embedded
in anarchist political philosophies |
A look at the contribution of anarchist thinkers to
peace thought |
£9.00 |
141 |
A critical history of the philosophy of peace embedded
in republican political philosophies |
A look at the contribution of republican thinkers to
peace thought |
£9.00 |
142 |
A critical history of the philosophy of peace embedded
in monarchical political philosophies |
A look at the contribution of pro-monarchist political
thinkers to peace thought |
£9.00 |
143 |
A critical history of the philosophy of peace embedded
in nationalist political philosophies |
A critical look at the contribution of nationalist thinkers
to peace thought distinguishing between rational patriotism and fundamentalist
jingoism |
£9.00 |
144 |
A critical history of the philosophy of peace embedded
in racialist political philosophies |
A critical look at the history of racialist political
thought and its contribution to conflict and war |
£9.00 |
145 |
A critical history of the philosophy of peace embedded
in feminist political philosophies |
A look at the contribution of feminist thinkers to peace
thought |
£9.00 |
146 |
A critical history of the philosophy of peace embedded
in environmentalist political philosophies |
A look at the contribution of ecological thinkers to
peace thought |
£9.00 |
147 |
A critical history of the philosophy of peace embedded
in terrorist philosophies |
A highly critical look at the hidden origins and dangerous
history of terrorism as a political pseudo-ideology |
£9.00 |
148 |
A critical history of the philosophy of peace embedded
in joyist political philosophies |
A look at the contribution of joyist thinkers to peace
thought |
£9.00 |
149 |
Thinking Canadians abroad: a history |
An intellectual history of the role of Canadians overseas
and their contributions to world peace |
£9.00 |
150 |
Philo-Americanism and Anti-Americanism in the 20th century |
An historical study of the polarisation of attitudes
towards the USA in world opinion |
£6.00 |
151 |
The Smoking Mirror: Anti-Semitism and Anti Zionism;
/ Philo-Semitism and Philo-Zionism: a critical philosophical history
of contentious ideas and terms of thought with ideas towards peace
in the Middle East |
Historical reflections on the tragedies occasioned by
"partial views" of reality, and a plea for a holistic and
inclusive approach to peacemaking based on the intellectual love of
God |
£9.00 |
152 |
Towards an Welsh International Peace Museum |
A proposal for an international educational centre in
Wales incorporating both a research centre and a Welsh peace museum |
£6.00 |
153 |
London: towards an intellectual history of a metropolis
and its contributions towards the achievement of world peace, past
present and future |
A survey of the history activities in London over the
ages in the search for a just and peaceful world with specific proposals
for the future |
£9.00 |
154 |
New Age philosophy: a critical study |
An historical and conceptual study of new age ideas
£6.00 |
155 |
Sovereignty and peace: a critical analysis in the history
of political philosophy |
A review of this contested idea in political thought,
starting with Bodin |
£6.00 |
156 |
The Arts of Peace: towards a history of art as creative
irenicism |
An overview of the history of art in relation to wider
cultural history (based on a lecture series) |
£9.00 |
157 |
The Art of War and the Arts of Peace |
A report on an exhibition in 2003 commemorating the
600th anniversary of the Battle of Shrewsbury 1403-2003 |
£6.00 |
158 |
The political economy of enlightenment |
A revisioning of the goals of economics in theory and
practice, in particular in education |
£9.00 |
159 |
On methodology in World History: studying interconnections
through time |
A survey of different approaches to the study of world
history: what are the key issues involved ? |
£6.00 |
160 |
Felicitology and peace: Buddha, Aristotle, Jesus, Jefferson,
Neurath, and the quest for a "science of happiness" |
A study of the idea of a "science of happiness"
and the possibility of a socially coherent philosophy of happiness
and peace (more than simply "entertainment") |
£6.00 |
161 |
On The history of Political Thought: an overview |
A timebank of key political thinkers in tabular form |
£6.00 |
162 |
A study of peace and theology in the Anglican Christian
tradition |
Theological aspects of peace thinking in the Anglican
tradition: issues, challenges and grace |
163 |
On truth and peace: towards a new philosophy of truth |
A study in the history of ideas on the nature of truth
and the importance of developing a new philosophy of truth suitable
for global intellectual, spiritual and cultural disarmament |
£6.00 |
164 |
The Chronos Project: a report |
A report on a project to research a comprehensive chronology
of global intellectual history from the dawn of mankind to the present
day with a proposal for collaborative research |
£6.00 |
165 |
The IIPSGP Library Catalogue: a work in progress |
A partial catalogue of IIPSGP library holdings and acquisitions |
£12.00 |