NAME and TITLE: ____________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS(ES) : _____________________________________________________________________





TELEPHONE(S) / FAX / EMAIL / WEBSITES: _______________________________________________




WORK CONTACT DETAILS: ____________________________________________________________



  • Comments (Please specify how and why you would like to help the work of the TRCME to unfold):





  • Do you wish to be registered as an Associate of the TRCME project ?




Would you be willing to serve as a Commissioner for the TRCME ? (Evidence of serious long term commitment

to authentic, and neutral Peacebuilding and conciliation work in the Middle East required):




  • Can you recommend other parties who might be appropriate as either Associates or Commissioners

for the work of the TRCME (please give contact details):




  • Educational and Research Background (please include CV if possible):




  • Involvement with mediation and conflict resolution work to date:




  • Involvement with the Middle East:




* Please send your CV with this form and post to :-
Dr Thomas C Daffern, Director, IIPSGP, Castle of the Muses, Craigard, Carrick Castle, Cairndow, Argyll and Bute, Scotland PA24 6AH.
Telephone: 01301 703053 - Mobile: 07500 238523. Email: